Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 4 - New Orleans

So today was very exciting. Although everyone seemed alittle more tired today despite having a little extra rest. Today we helped out at Fair Haven Orphanage with some real hardcore manual labor. To say that we're tired would be an understatement. The ladies and some of the leaders put support letters into envelopes, they folded nearly 3000.

Here's the team hard at work

Jonathan also had the labor workers finish up the work for the school, so we're very excited to see the completed project.  We will go back by ReNew School tomorrow to check it out!

This orphanage is very important for these children, it shows kids that God does answer prayer and they have all seen it first hand on more than one occasion. The Director of the orphanage Johnny Huffman is also the father of the home. He teaches the kids that God doesn't use what we don't have, he uses what we do have.

 and what we do have is strength, we we're definitely pushed to our limits physically today. We mowed, weed eated, cleaned, picked up trash, did lots of laundry, and got stung by lots and lots of hornets. We were also blessed as Johnny would come by each of our work projects and tell us personal stories of how God has provided in every circumstance over the course of the 40 plus years this ministry has been caring for children not only here in New Orleans, but their generosity stretches all over the world.  Christmas Joy Boxes are sent to over 2000 children every Christmas to Romania.  There are no words to describe how Johnny and his wife Sissy have been true examples of faith, believing that prayer works and always giving the praise and glory to Jesus Christ for making all things possible.
Finsihed out the day with an awesome BBQ

But hard work does pay off, because the harder the work the sweeter the play, and even though we may have our moments, we are a band of brothers. We know we can play together, we know we can pray together, but most of all, with a day like today, we know we can do God's work anywhere.

More Pictures at -Contributing writer, Sean